Graduate in Medicine from the University of Barcelona in 2003. Karl-Franzens Univesität de Graz, Austria (1998-2000). Institut Claudius Regaud, Toulouse, Francia (2007). Proficiency in Academic Research from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2010.
Postgraduate scholarship from the Fundación Caja Madrid (2008-2010). Best oral Presentation Award for young researchers from the Society of Gynaecologic Investigation (SGI), Orlando, 2010.
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellowship (2008-2010), Yale University (USA). Frontiers in Reproduction, Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Massachusetts (2009). Main author of an article in the Molecular Therapy Journal. Author or 3 articles published in international journals. Oral presentation at the ASRM Meeting (2011) and at the Frontiers in Reproduction Symposium (2009). Author of 3 book chapters and presentations at 2 national conferences.