Elkin Muñoz
Director IVI Vigo e IVI A Coruña

Elkin Muñoz




Doctor and Surgeon (1990) and specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1995) from the University of Cauca.

Master’s Degree and Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine from the IVI — University of Valencia, 2002.

Master’s degree in Gynaecological Oncology from ADEIT in 2001.

Master’s Degree in Reproductive Medicine from the Rey Juan Carlos University in 2010.

Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Valencia, July 2015.

Master’s Degree in theoretical basis and assisted reproduction laboratory procedures,

University of Valencia. Diploma in Medical Genetics, University of Valencia.

Doctor and Surgeon — Ambulatory Care Center in 1991.

Physician specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at ISS clinic, 1995-1998;

Susana Lopez Hospital, 1995-1998; Comsalud Clinic, 1997-1998.

Specialist in Reproductive Medicine at IVI Clinics since 2000.

Professor at the Antonio Nariño University, 1996-1997.

Associate Professor of the Master’s Degree in Advanced Biotechnology, University of Vigo, 2011.

Speaker and organiser of several local medical forums, both at national and international level since 2000.

Finalist of the Clinical Science Award — European Society of Human Reproductive and Embryology, both in 2009 and 2011.

Award for the best presentation at the LXII Congress of the Galician Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.

Alejandro Novo Gonzalez Award of the Sociedade Galega de Obstetricia e Xinecoloxia, 2008.

Award for the Best Basic Studio Presentation, SEF in 2012.

Best presentation Award at the 6th Portuguese Conference of Reproductive Medicine, May 2016.

Member of the National Editorial Committee of Cuadernos de Medicina Reproductiva» (Papers on Reproductive Medicine) journal.

Member of the Permanent Committee of the Interest Group of Reproductive Endocrinology of the SEF.

Author of 20 book chapters, 12 national articles and 11 international articles.

Manager of Research projects presented at more than 90 conferences.


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